A Big Day for Y Illustrations

Today, two things are going to happen:

  1. I will discuss with a venue, regarding hosting my very first art show, which is set to start at the beginning of April; and 
  2. I will attend the very first social event for Y Illustrations to promote my products.

It is not the first big day, though, for Y Illustrations. I remember the day I decided to do this, the day I finished my first drawing and posted social network, the day I designed and received my business card, and the first day I reached out to potential interested parties to introduce myself and my product...

That said, all these important days does not discount the significance of today. Today is the day that I take another first step; therefore it is worth cerebrating.


Here are the pictures taken during the two occasions mentioned above.

The most popular local pizza place, Deluca's Pizzeria in Hot Springs, will be my exhibition space. I believe it will be a hit!

A great social network event for architects, artists, developers and government officials at the studioMain in Little Rock.

What is a "Y" brand?

“Y” is not only the initial of Yang’s first name (the founder and chief illustrator of Y Illustration). More importantly, the letter “Y” possesses a deeper meaning. It refers to:

  1. “Why?” – We love questions, and we ask questions. By asking “why”, we think outside of the box and nurture true creativity that is authentic, flexible and stylish, rather than merely trying to be novel and edgy.
  2. “Y” as in “x, y, or z” in a coordinate system – axis “y” extends infinitely, just like we find profound potential in true creativity. On the other hand, the axis “y” is bonded within a multi-dimensional system with other components like “x” and “z”.  Symbolically, this reflects that we respect, appreciate and celebrate collaboration with our clients and peers. 

Thanks for being here! We look forward to connecting with you!